Promoting Healthy Management

The Sumitomo Rubber Group
Health & Productivity Management Declaration

The Sumitomo Rubber Group considers each employee the most important asset underpinning corporate growth and business expansion.

We believe that supporting the mental and physical health of all Sumitomo Rubber Group employees and their families is essential to ensuring happiness for each as well the Company’s sustainable growth and development.

Accordingly, we endeavor to foster a health-oriented corporate culture that encourages every employee to spontaneously strive to improve their health while caring about one another so that they can continue to work vibrantly. We believe that a corporate culture of this kind will serve as the foundation supporting our ability to deliver joy and well-being for all.

To practice health & productive management guided by “Our Philosophy,” we will continue to take on these challenges, with the Company, the labor union and the Health Insurance Association acting in collaboration with everyone working at the Sumitomo Rubber Group and their families.

July 1, 2022
Satoru Yamamoto
President and CEO, Representative Director
Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.

Promoting Healthy Management

  • Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd.

Since establishing the Health Management Office in 2017, the Company has promoted health & productivity management. Moreover, the Company was selected for inclusion in “Health & Productivity Stock Selection”*1 in both 2020 and 2022. In 2023, the Company was also certified under “Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program—White 500”*2 for the seventh consecutive year since the commencement of this certification program in 2017. In addition, we were also certified by the Japan Sports Agency for the first time as a “Sports Yell Company” under the agency’s 2023 selection program in recognition of our corporate initiatives to support and popularize sports activities among employees to help them improve their health.

The Health Management Office periodically hosts collaborative health management meetings with the Health Insurance Association to discuss health management measures. In these and other ways, we strive to strengthen our collaborative health management structure. At the same time, departments in charge of health management at Head Office and each base conduct joint meetings attended by representatives from the Health Insurance Association and the labor union. As such, we have secured a structure for promoting Companywide health management initiatives.

In July 2022, we updated our Health & Productivity Management Declaration based on “Our Philosophy,” our new corporate philosophy structure after reviewing the content of said declaration that was originally formulated in 2018.

*1Health & Productivity Stock Selection: A program organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in tandem with the Tokyo Stock Exchange. This program recognizes companies that take a strategic management approach to the health management of their employees.

*2Certified Health and Productivity Management Organization Recognition Program—White 500: A program aimed at commending excellent corporations, including major enterprises as well as SMEs, in terms of the practice of health and productivity management. The selection takes into account their efforts to address region-specific health issues as well as their engagement in health improvement initiatives recommended by the Industry Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council), a co-sponsor. High-ranking corporations are included in “White 500.”

Looking ahead, we will address long-term and medium-term priority items as listed below to accelerate health and productivity management.

Long-term priority targets

(1) Strengthening industrial health framework
Based on a belief that safety and health both deserve utmost priority, we strive to enhance our industrial health framework, which provides a foundation for securing appropriate compliance with laws and regulations associated with occupational health and hygiene. Furthermore, we will develop a more robust organizational structure capable of promoting health and productivity management on a Companywide basis.

(2) Cultivating culture of health
We consider the health of employees and their families a source of happiness for each as well as the Company’s ongoing corporate vitality and growth. With the shared awareness of the importance of health, we will foster a health-oriented corporate culture that encourages every employee to spontaneously strive to improve their health while caring about one another. To this end, top management members will take the lead in spreading this culture throughout the entire Sumitomo Rubber Group.

Medium-term priority targets
(1) Preventing serious symptoms
(2) Improving lifestyle habits
(3) Tackling mental health-related issues
(4) Raising labor productivity
(5) Medical treatment and work-balance support
(6) Health support for female as well as elderly employees
(7) Countermeasures to prevent infectious diseases, including COVID-19


Implementation Status of Health Management Activities

Ratio of employees who have undergone: ‘22 Targets ‘22 Results ‘21 Results
Periodic health checkups 100% 100% 100%
Follow-up or detailed examinations 100% 96.5% 99%
Complete checkups for milestone years 100% 100% 100%
Examinations for female-specific cancers 100% 85.7% 91%
Smoker ratio 30.3%
(2025 target)
38.5% 39.3%
Ratio of ICT health incentive system subscribers 85% 83.6% 82.2%
Number of ICT health event participants Increase 2,311 2,954
Ratio of stress check examinees 100% 98.8% 98.5%
Absenteeism (percentage of disease-related absence from work) 0.5 or less
(2025 target)
0.65 0.61
Presenteeism Work Functioning Impairment Scale (Wfun): (1) Medium- to high-level functional impairment Less than 15%
(2025 target)
Wfun: (2) Business bases with a C Rating 0%
(2025 target)
Work engagement
(Stress checks based on the renewed version of simplified occupational stress survey forms)
(2025 target)
2.4 2.5

Measures to Prevent Serious Symptoms and Lifestyle-Related Diseases

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

Sumitomo Rubber Industries has established the Health Management Regulations in addition to clearly defining risk categories to be assigned to employees based on their health checkup results in order to strengthen follow-up measures to support their health management. In line with risk categories, we encourage employees to undergo additional examinations and offer them interviews with and guidance from industrial physicians, nurses and other industrial health specialists. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we also utilized remote interviews in a proactive manner. We have thus promoted health management measures aligned with the needs of employees who work from home. In terms of the provision of follow-up measures, we aim to ensure that a growing number of employees undergo detailed examinations when their initial checkups suggest the need to do so. Simultaneously, we also strive to raise the ratio of individuals in appropriate disease management, especially among those with high blood pressures and diabetes.

Acting in collaboration with the Health Insurance Association, we conduct cancer examinations (including those for cancers that predominantly strike women), specific health checkups and specific health guidance to ensure the early detection and treatment of cancer. Moreover, we implement countermeasures against metabolic syndromes and other measures aimed at preventing serious symptoms.

As part of measures to improve lifestyle habits, we are focused on implementing measures to address issues associated with (1) smoking, (2) alcohol consumption, (3) sleeping, (4) eating and (5) exercise.

In particular, we consider a high smoking rate among our workforce to be a Companywide issue. Accordingly, we promote countermeasures across the board from perspectives of preventing smokers from suffering health damage as well as safeguarding non-smokers from a harm of second-hand smoking. After the President delivered his message to employees, the head of each business base announced their declaration of smoking cessation in 2023. Thus, we are proactively engaged in Companywide efforts to discourage smoking. At the end of 2020, we abolished all indoor smoking areas at several key business bases. At the end of 2021, we then enforced a smoking ban during working hours at all the key business bases. As of May 2023, five of our domestic bases have introduced a prohibition of smoking within their premises. Furthermore, we plan to enforce a universal ban on smoking within the premises of all business bases by the end of 2024.

In May 2022, we launched central and district Smoking Cessation Committees to accelerate Companywide measures to discourage smoking and encourage smoking cessation. In April 2023, we began providing support to smokers willing to quit smoking (via, for example, the enhancement of subsidies to be paid for smoking cessation treatment, the development of an inhouse structure for supporting efforts to quit smoking and the introduction of smoking cessation assistance programs offered by the Health Insurance Association).

As part of other measures designed to help improve lifestyle habits, a team of industrial health specialists engage in cross-regional activities covering multiple business bases, while the Health Insurance Association hosts walking rally and other health promotion events.

We also believe that enabling employees to develop health literacy and awareness is essential to nurturing a health-oriented corporate culture. Based on this belief, we provide employees with health-related information and education on an as-necessary basis. For example, we utilize our intranet to post “HEALTH NEWS” while streaming on-demand health seminars.

2023 Declaration of Smoking Cessation Announced by Business Base Heads

Name of base Position Details of the declaration
Shirakawa Factory Plant manager
  1. We encourage employees to quit smoking and proactively extend support to this end.
  2. We strive to prevent health damage attributable to second-hand smoking.
  3. We enforce a thoroughgoing ban on smoking within our premises and eradicate violations of this rule.
Tokyo Head Office General manager of the General Affairs Dept. We promote smoking cessation even as we adopt novel workstyles so that we can improve our health together.
Nagoya Factory Plant manager With all Nagoya Factory employees working as one team, let’s pull together to create a healthy and employee-friendly workplace without any health damage arising from smoking, including second-hand smoking!
Kobe Head Office Head of Human Resources & General Affairs HQ. Smoking results in a diverse range of health damage. Moreover, smoking not only harms smokers themselves but also negatively impacts the health of people around them. Therefore, smoking cessation helps improve the well-being of the Company’s entire workforce and society as a whole in addition to contributing to the health of individual smokers.

I hereby call upon all employees who are smokers to quit smoking. I will also promote measures and activities to support smoking cessation, including the provision of information, with the aim of creating a corporate culture that encourages smoking cessation.
Izumiotsu Factory Plant manager We will promote a smoking ban during working hours to help our employees improve their health, raise the level of workplace hygiene and enhance productivity!
Kakogawa Factory Plant manager Giving due consideration to the health of our fellow workers and their families, we will implement smoking cessation activities to create a factory worksite without the presence of cigarettes.
Ichijima Factory Plant manager Let us all extend support to colleagues who take on the challenge of smoking cessation and strive for improvement in the well-being of the entire Ichijima district so that we become a factory in which everyone can work in confidence.
Okayama Tire Proving Ground General manager Let’s quit smoking for the sake of families, colleagues and yourself!
Miyazaki Factory Plant manager Let’s strive to reduce the risk of second-hand smoking by improving settings of smoking areas. Let all smokers among us take on the challenge of smoking cessation, with the clear separation of smoking areas and the additional designation of no-smoking days, enforced within our premises, serving as a golden opportunity.

A sample of monthly “HEALTH NEWS” distributed via the intranet

Countermeasures to Address Mental Health-Related Issues and Mitigate Excessive Working Hours

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

We conduct stress checks for all employees, including those working at business bases with a workforce of less than 50 people. These stress checks serve as a primary measure aimed at preventing the development of mental health-related issues by, for example, helping employees develop a self-awareness of stress. Follow-up measures after the implementation of stress checks include conducting interviews with individuals exposed to high stress and providing them with health counseling. To that end, psychiatrists and industrial counselors are stationed at some of our business bases. Furthermore, findings from the collective analysis of stress checks are relayed to each workplace, while interviews are conducted at business units whose employees are deemed to be exposed to high stress. Insights gleaned from these initiatives are utilized to inform our efforts to improve the workplace environment.

In 2022, we implemented self-care seminars focused on anger management for individual employees as well as line care seminars for managerial employees. These seminars were held online. Looking ahead, we will also implement seminars and other training programs for those in managerial and supervisory positions to help them gain greater capabilities to handle stress-related issues among their staff.

With regard to the reinstatement of employees who have suffered from mental health-related issues, we provide them with interviews with industrial physicians while holding the Reinstatement Assessment Committee, so that these individuals can smoothly return to their workplaces upon recovery with the aid of various supportive programs, including those allowing them to work for shorter hours. In fiscal 2022, a total of 42 employees utilized these supportive programs.

In step with the expansion of the size of our operations, employees are now expected to handle a growing volume of work. Given these circumstances, we aim to curb overtime hours and, to this end, strive to improve operational efficiency while promoting such necessary measures as augmenting staffing.

To mitigate excessive working hours, we issue notifications to employees who have worked overtime for 80 hours or more in one month to urge them to pay attention to their overtime work status. To this end, we monitor the log-in data of Company-furnished PCs and other information available from the attendance management system. These employees are also granted interviews with industrial physicians. For individuals who work many hours of overtime and work on holidays, and are thus deemed to bear excessive workload, their supervisors conduct face-to-face interviews with them to plan improvement measures, while departments in charge of human resource management exercise monitoring over the status of improvement. In these ways, we strive to curb excessive working hours.

Medical Treatment and Work-Balance Support

  • The Sumitomo Rubber Group

Sumitomo Rubber Industries has maintained a supportive program for employees who undergo medical treatment. Thus, employees who need to seek medical attention at hospitals or elsewhere to treat their injuries or diseases are able to strike a balance between such treatment and work. In October 2018, we established “Implementation Regulations on Medical Treatment and Work-Balance Support Program.” In fiscal 2022, a total of 18 employees utilized this program. In this regard, we also strive to secure collaboration between the industrial in-house industrial health specialists (industrial physicians and nurses) and attending physicians of said employees while involving their workplaces in supporting their efforts to strike a balance between work and treatment. Moreover, we maintain a paid-leave rights preservation system designed to support employee livelihoods in order to meet employee needs to secure time for hospital visits, hospitalization, etc.

Countermeasures to Prevent Infectious Diseases, Including Our Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, and Changes in Workstyles

In response to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have implemented ongoing countermeasures to prevent viral infection. Specifically, guided by in-house response manuals, these countermeasures included such basics as the practice of daily health management at each workplace, the adoption of a habit of wearing face masks*1 and the installation of partitions in office spaces, meeting rooms, cafeterias and other facilities.* 2 In these ways, we endeavored to secure a safe workplace. With regard to vaccination for COVID-19, we conducted workplace vaccination (additional vaccination) at multiple bases in which dedicated industrial physicians are stationed. Moreover, we began granting special leave to employees who experienced side effects of vaccination at an early phase of the pandemic.

We have also continued subsidizing expenses for influenza vaccination. As such, we implement countermeasures against infectious diseases other than COVID-19.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we instituted a work-from-home system while encouraging employees to proactively utilize staggered work shifts and the flextime system as part of efforts to transition to novel workstyles designed to mitigate the risk of infection. We also pushed ahead with a shift to online platforms for both internal and external meetings while going paperless, with the aim of developing an environment in which those working at home can smoothly operate. Meanwhile, we have renovated our physical office spaces, which are now used by fewer employees than before, into location-free workspaces to invigorate and encourage workplace communications that transcend job grades and departmental boundaries. As such, we implemented various measures to improve productivity.

Since COVID-19’s transition to Class V Infectious Disease status as defined under the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases in May 2023, we have continued striving to prevent the spread of the virus in a way that honors the autonomous judgement of individual employees.

*1Whether or not to wear a face mask is up to the judgment of individual employees

*2Removed after COVID-19’s downgrade to common infectious disease status